
On the Second Shred of Christmas my client gave to me…..

…..two purple books

….and a hard drive from a PC

This lyric from Tom, 14.  Why purple?  Why books?  Firstly, we shred paper of all colours and you don’t need to distinguish between colours in your console bin – throw anything in and we will do the rest.  The shredded paper then goes to make paper towels – all recyclable, often dyed, so the colour of the paper you put in the bin doesn’t matter.

And did you know that books are shredded too?  Not just bin ends from publishers, but also books that aren’t sold at charity shops, or that are dumped in waste sites.  The shredding process is the same, but because of the glue, the quality of paper is different.  It sells for a different price and makes different products, but it still means that books aren’t wasted, they are recycled….so although it is literary death row, they really are going to a better place.

So, rest in peace, books, and clients, be happy that your books, of any colour, are helping to save the environment for now and the future.

14 days and counting……